Bensv celebrates labor day for the red may

2020-04-30 21:01

In this beautiful time of spring wind rippling and flowers blooming, we have stepped on the bright spring light, accompanied by the dancing melody, ushered in the international labor day, a common festival for workers all over the world.

The dream of labor achievement, the worker deserves praise, the happy life comes from the hard work and the creation, the great achievement comes from unremitting effort and the struggle. The board of directors of bonasvay pays a great tribute to the new and old customers who are concerned about and supporting our government leaders, the new and old customers who sincerely cooperate with us and the employees of the company who have been dedicated to the festival!

In the face of the sudden epidemic this year, we will overcome difficulties, actively adjust, make breakthroughs in ourselves, make every effort to make countermeasures, concentrate on promoting development, hold the torch of "May 1" labor, take the pace of rapid and healthy development, create years of passion and combustion, and support our leaders and customers.

In the prosperous times, flowers are like sea, and the bright eyes and spring light make people advance. We sincerely wish you all new hope and a better tomorrow!