The establishment meeting of the 5th National valve Standardization Technical Committee and the 2nd valve driving device sub committee was held in Tia

2017-04-12 18:33

The meeting was attended by Xu Qiang, director of national valve Standardization Committee, vice president of China General Machinery Research Institute, Xiu Changzheng, deputy secretary of China special equipment testing and Research Institute, Tan Xiangning, director of Standards Department of China Federation of machinery industry, Lu Chunbing, general manager of Tianjin Jiuyuan industry and Trade Co., Ltd., Wang Donghui, chairman of bonasvay Valve Co., Ltd., and experts from all over the country There are more than 180 members of the committee, specially invited representatives, working group members and standard drafting units.


General manager Lu, on behalf of Tianjin Baodi Jiuyuan Industrial Park, warmly congratulated the opening of the meeting in Tianjin and introduced the general situation of valve enterprises such as bonasville in the park. All entrepreneurs are welcome to visit the park. Chairman Wang Donghui delivered a welcome speech, expressing sincere thanks to the leaders and experts who have cared and supported the development of bonasville for a long time. I hope that all leaders and experts will continue to show concern and help to bonasville.


Director Tan Xiangning read out the approval document of the National Standardization Committee on the establishment of the fifth national valve Standardization Committee, with Xu Qiang as the director and Huang Mingya as the Secretary General, Xiu Changzheng, deputy secretary of China Academy of special equipment testing and research, and Tan Xiangning, director of Standards Department of China Federation of machinery industry, delivered speeches respectively, expressing warm congratulations on the establishment of the fifth valve Standardization Committee and all members. At the same time, they asked each member to fulfill their duties and conscientiously perform their duties from the national and overall interests, Vice president Xu Qiang introduced the development of the standards committees affiliated to the General Institute of technology, and said that he would continue to strongly support the work of the valve standards committee.  


Secretary General Huang Mingya summarized the work of the fourth valve Standardization Committee. During the term of office, the Fourth Committee completed 112 national standards or industry standards, 117 members of the fifth Valve Standard Committee and 25 members of the driving device Standard Committee. The standardization team was expanded and the standard system was studied, which promoted the implementation of standards and the technical progress of the industry. The working plan of the 5th Standardization Committee was arranged. The meeting also reviewed the articles of association of the Standardization Committee, the working rules of the Secretariat, and the 2017 standard work plan, and reviewed 11 national and industrial standards. At the same time, the propaganda and implementation of standards and expert technical lectures were carried out.







Congratulations to Liao Zhifang, chief engineer of our company, on being elected as a member of the current national valve Standardization Technical Committee and on the success of the meeting!
