More auspicious to Bensv at Golden Rooster Year

2017-01-27 18:32

The golden monkey leaves the old thousand family music, and the Golden Rooster greets the new.

With a bit of attachment, we bid farewell to the rich and colorful 2016. In the face of the changing domestic and international market, all staff of bonasville love their jobs and work hard to write a new chapter of the company's development. The company has maintained a healthy, steady and sustainable development trend. The achievement of these achievements is the crystallization of collective wisdom, sweat and dedication of all employees, and the result of sincere cooperation with loyal customers. In this company, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the employees and all customers, and extend our most sincere greetings and high respect for the Spring Festival!

With more expectations, we have ushered in a vibrant and hopeful year of 2017. We have a long way to go, and new opportunities and challenges are waiting. Standardization, standardization, refinement and efficiency will become the management focus of the company.

On the occasion of the Spring Festival, Bensv wishes all employees and their families and all customers a happy new year, good health, happy families and good luck!