The Ministry of water resources has carried out pilot projects of water system connection and water beauty rural construction

2021-04-15 18:57

source:Xinhua News Agency

Beijing, April 14 (Xinhua) the Ministry of water resources and the Ministry of Finance recently announced that the pilot project of water system connection and water beauty rural construction will be carried out in 30 provinces, autonomous regions and cities in 2021, with one pilot county for each province, autonomous region and city, and the pilot period will be two years.


The Ministry of water resources and the Ministry of Finance said that they have completed the evaluation and verification of the implementation of the first batch of pilot counties for water system connectivity and comprehensive improvement of rural water system in 2020, and decided to change the name of "pilot counties for water system connectivity and comprehensive improvement of rural water system" to "pilot counties for water system connectivity and beautiful rural construction", and continue to carry out a new round of pilot work in 2021.


In terms of central fund subsidy, considering the regional development differences, for the pilot counties that enjoy the investment policy in the central and western regions, each county will receive 120 million yuan of central fund subsidy, and for the pilot counties in other regions, each county will receive 80 million yuan of central fund subsidy.


In October 2019, the Ministry of water resources and the Ministry of Finance launched the pilot work of water system connection and comprehensive improvement of rural water system in order to solve the outstanding problems of rural water system, such as silting and shrinking, serious water pollution and water ecological deterioration, restore the function of rivers and lakes and improve the living environment. At the beginning of 2020, the list of the first batch of 55 pilot counties was determined and published, and the implementation time is from 2020 to 2021( (Reporter Liu Shiping)