Respect for the elderly in Double Ninth Festival

2020-12-04 21:07


October 25, 2020 is the 70th anniversary of China's resistance to U.S. aggression and aid Korea. It is also the ninth Double Ninth Festival of the lunar calendar. In this company, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our predecessors for their dedication and dedication!

Respect for and love for the elderly is always the cultural tradition of the Chinese nation. In order to make the staff more caring and responsible, the company seeks welfare for the employees, helps the filial piety, and makes the family happy and healthy. The company is truly built into a world for enterprise development, customer trust and employee happiness. "Think twice about your relatives during the holidays", warm greetings and long feelings. I hope the sunset is not old, and I wish all parents and the elderly a happy, healthy and long life!