Huainan, Anhui: Make up for water conservancy shortcomings and consolidating the foundation for rural revitalization

2021-02-03 18:51

source:Huainan Learning Platform Responsible 

The reporter learned from the water conservancy department of Huainan City in Anhui Province that focusing on the shortcomings of water conservancy in poverty-relief areas, Huainan City has taken multiple measures to solve the problem of safe drinking water for the poor, continuously improve the basic facilities of farmland water conservancy, and strive to improve flood and drought disaster prevention We will continue to strengthen the improvement of the water environment and lay a solid foundation for water conservancy to help rural revitalization.

It is reported that during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Huainan City has invested a total of 715.4 million yuan in rural drinking water safety work and built 95 centralized water supply projects in rural areas. In 2018, 162 impoverished villages in the city will have tap water "village-to-village". By 2020 The problem of drinking water safety for the poor under the current standards has been fully solved. At present, the city's rural centralized water supply rate and tap water penetration rate both reached 86%, an increase of 19 percentage points from 2015. 1 person was selected as the national advanced individual for the safety and poverty alleviation of rural drinking water, and the Fengtai County Shangtang Water Plant was awarded the honorary title of one of the national 100 standardized water plants. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Huainan City completed an investment of 1.14 billion yuan in basic farmland construction, completed 8 small reservoirs to eliminate dangers, renovated 25,527 kilowatts of small pumping stations, reinforced 99 small sluices, renovated 8 small and medium-sized irrigation areas, and expanded ponds and dams. 5,363 rivers were dug, 404 river ditches were renovated, 263 new electromechanical wells were repaired, and 362,000 mu of last-level canals in the irrigation area were renovated, which further improved the agricultural production conditions in poverty-stricken areas. In order to speed up the improvement of flood and drought disaster prevention capabilities, Huainan City completed an investment of 8.769 billion yuan during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, and started construction of the adjustment and construction of the flood discharge area of the Zhengxia section of the Huaigan River, and the emergency response of the Xifeihe River in the Huaihe River Basin in Anhui Province. (Huainan area) project, the city's small reservoir rain and water regime and rural grassroots flood control forecasting and early warning systems have been smoothly promoted and put into use, effectively coping with the severe summer drought in 2017, successfully preventing the Huai River basin flood in 2020, and minimizing disaster losses in rural areas . In continuing to strengthen the improvement of the water environment, Huainan City has established a four-level river and lake chief system, taking the lead in establishing a village-level river chief workstation in the province, and the appearance of rivers and lakes has continued to improve. The "Huainan City Water and Soil Conservation Plan (2018-2030)" was compiled and 102 water and soil conservation plans for production and construction projects were approved, and the soil erosion area of 25 square kilometers was controlled, and man-made soil erosion was basically curbed.

Author: Su Qiang