Development and Reform Commission: speeding up the construction of key water conservancy projects this year and next

2020-09-03 18:29

source:Peoples agency editor in charge:Wang Ruifang

Beijing, September 3 (people's daily) on August 26, the executive meeting of the State Council studied and deployed the work of flood control and disaster relief and post disaster recovery and reconstruction, and defined the key areas, main tasks and relevant policies and measures for post disaster recovery and reconstruction. As the flood gradually subsides, what are the key tasks and measures for the post disaster reconstruction of infrastructure?

Wang Yue, head of the fixed assets investment department of the national development and Reform Commission, responded at the press conference of the office of the State Council of the people's Republic of China on September 3.

He pointed out that the key areas to carry out post disaster recovery and reconstruction work should combine with local conditions and focus on water conservancy, agriculture, transportation, municipal and other fields to do a good job in the post disaster recovery and reconstruction of infrastructure.

First, we should pay attention to the restoration and reconstruction of water conservancy, flood control and agricultural production facilities. Efforts should be made to repair farmland, water conservancy projects and agricultural production facilities damaged by water. In this year and next, we should speed up the construction of key water conservancy projects.

Second, we should pay attention to the restoration and reconstruction of transportation facilities. Efforts should be made to repair damaged roads, bridges and other transportation facilities to meet the needs of transportation and public travel.

Third, we should pay attention to the restoration and reconstruction of urban infrastructure such as drainage and waterlogging prevention. Repair the damaged municipal public facilities, especially the drainage and waterlogging prevention facilities, and restore the production and living order of residents as soon as possible.

Fourth, we should pay attention to the restoration and reconstruction of housing and public service facilities. We should do a good job in the reconstruction and repair of collapsed and damaged houses, as well as the investigation and repair of people's livelihood facilities such as schools, hospitals and community services.

Fifth, we should do a good job in building disaster prevention and mitigation capacity.

Wang Yue further pointed out that in order to ensure the smooth completion of the post disaster recovery and reconstruction task, the relevant departments will make specific arrangements for the post disaster recovery and reconstruction work, and put forward specific measures

First, we should fully implement the main responsibility of post disaster recovery and reconstruction. We should further implement the post disaster recovery and reconstruction work mechanism under the guidance of the central government, the main responsibility of the local government, and the extensive participation of the people in the disaster areas. We should give full play to the advantages of the reform of the disaster prevention, mitigation and relief system, strengthen overall planning and coordination, and carefully organize the post disaster recovery and reconstruction.

The second is to distinguish priorities and make overall planning and arrangement of post disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction projects. All localities should pay close attention to the preparation of implementation plans for post disaster recovery and reconstruction, distinguish priorities and scientifically arrange reconstruction projects. We should promptly organize and implement the projects urgently needed by the masses in production and living. For the long-term major project construction, important infrastructure deficiencies, urban waterlogging control, disaster prevention and mitigation system construction, it is necessary to plan as soon as possible, and the mature demonstration should be included in the "fourteenth five year plan" for overall consideration.

Third, increase the overall support of financial funds. According to the principle of dividing the financial powers and expenditure responsibilities between the central and local governments, we should make overall arrangements for the relevant financial funds of the central and local governments, and increase the investment in post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects. The executive meeting of the State Council has decided that the relevant funds of the central finance, vehicle purchase tax, and investment within the central budget should be appropriately supported for the post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects in the severely affected areas. Relevant regions should make overall arrangements and make good use of central funds in combination with the formulation of implementation plans for post disaster recovery and reconstruction. The subsidy funds for Farmland Construction issued by the central government and the special funds for investment in agricultural production and development under the central budget should be given priority to the restoration of farmland damaged by water. We will support local governments to make overall use of special anti epidemic bonds and special bonds of local governments for post disaster recovery and reconstruction in accordance with the law and regulations. At the same time, local governments should adjust and optimize the local fiscal expenditure structure, increase government financial investment, and give priority to the protection of post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects. To ensure the efficiency of the reconstruction projects, the funds should be transferred directly to the disaster areas, and the funds should be transferred to the disaster areas in an innovative way.

Fourth, we should strengthen the guarantee of key elements. Adhere to the "elements follow the project". We should strengthen financial support for post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects of infrastructure in disaster stricken areas, establish a fast track for land use approval, and give priority to ensuring land use indicators for post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects. (reporter Qiao Xuefeng)