Flood No.1 occurred in Nenjiang River in 2020

2021-06-25 18:30

source:China Water Resources News agency editor in charge:Wang Ruifang

On September 4, e Jingping, deputy commander in chief of the state defense general and Minister of the Ministry of water resources, presided over the meeting, analyzed and judged the development trends of Typhoon No. Ye Jianchun, Vice Minister of water resources, attended the meeting.

Affected by rainfall, the inflow of Nierji reservoir on Nenjiang River at 2:00 on September 4, with a inflow of 3510 cubic meters per second, which is numbered as Nenjiang flood No.1 in 2020 according to the regulations on flood number of major rivers in China issued by the Ministry of water resources. At 18:00 on the 4th, 39 rivers in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and other places still exceeded the warning limit, including 4 small and medium-sized rivers such as Ant River, a tributary of Songhua River in Heilongjiang Province, and Santong River, a tributary of Huifa River in Jilin Province. It is estimated that in the next three days, there will be moderate to heavy rain in the south of Southwest China, the south of Jiangnan, the north of Guangxi, the west of Heilongjiang, and the east of Inner Mongolia. Among them, there will be heavy rain in some areas, such as southern Chongqing, Central Guizhou, Northern Hunan, and Northwest Guangxi. Affected by rainfall, Chishui River in Guizhou Province, Wujiang River in Chongqing and Three Gorges Reservoir area, Lishui River, Yuanjiang River and Zishui River in Hunan Province, Nenjiang River and its tributaries in Heilongjiang Province and Yalu River in Inner Mongolia will appear obvious flood rising process, and some small and medium-sized rivers in rainstorm area may have excessive flood. Lanzhou section of the upper reaches of the Yellow River retreated below the warning line on the 4th.

The Consultation stressed that affected by typhoon No.9, the river bottom water level in Songliao River Basin was high and the reservoir water level was rising. It is predicted that typhoon No.10 will still affect northeast China. Recently, there will be a strong rainfall process in southwest, Jiangnan and South China, and the flood control situation is still grim. We must resolutely overcome the paralysis and lax thinking and do a good job in various defense work.

One is to further strengthen monitoring, forecasting and early warning. It is necessary to strengthen the joint consultation with meteorological departments, strive to improve the accuracy of forecast and forecast, and provide support for flood control decision-making and dispatching. It is necessary to provide the emergency departments with the results of flood forecast and forecast in time, and request to do a good job in rescue work. It is necessary to release forecast and early warning information to the public in time to remind scientific and reasonable disaster avoidance.

Second, we will continue to make overall plans for water project scheduling in Northeast China. According to the recent typhoon development trend and rainfall analysis and prediction, the upstream inflow, downstream river flood routing, water resources utilization and other factors should be considered, and the rolling optimization operation scheme should be carried out, and the Nenjiang River Nierji reservoir, Fengman reservoir, Baishan reservoir and Taizi River in the second Songhua River should be scientifically and accurately regulated。