Tianjin smart water industry accelerates construction, and the proportion of online payment will exceed 80% in three years

2021-03-23 18:57

source:Tianjin Daily agency editor in charge:Yang Liu Zhengjin

Reporters learned from the press conference held by the SASAC on March 22 that Tianjin accelerated the construction of smart water, realized digital control from "source" to "leading", and established a smart water system with digital infrastructure, intelligent production and operation, convenient water supply service and data resource assets.


From the "source" point of view, the reporter saw at the lingzhuang water treatment plant ultrafiltration membrane workshop, at 2 p.m. on March 22nd, the turbidity meter of the water production indicated that the turbidity of the current was 0.02NTU, and the water quality was clear at the moment; from the "tap", with the replacement of about 3000000 smart meters, more and more people of water use did not need to open the door, so that the staff of the tap water company could charge for their homes, but relying on Alipay, WeChat and silver. Third party platforms such as banks can pay online without leaving the account. "In three years, the online payment ratio of Tianjin will exceed 80 percent." "Cloud computing, big data, Internet of things and other new generation information technologies have been applied in various fields such as water supply, service and management. A water intelligent management architecture including big data center, integrated dispatching network, urban water map and portal website is being built with all efforts," said the relevant person in charge at the conference.


It is understood that during the "14th five year plan", Tianjin will enhance the automation level of data collection and detection, on-site monitoring and control, remote dispatching and command, and comprehensively improve the intelligent and standardized management level of water plant operation; relying on the water quality online monitoring system and patrol inspection, the water quality tracking will be strengthened, and the water quality guarantee and pipeline network operation and maintenance will be comprehensively improved Ability: with the help of the opportunity of water meter replacement of Internet of things, further optimize and improve the remote transmission and collection and processing system, realize the upgrading of the management of the collection and collection, and explore a new mode of "smart reading". (author: Tianjin daily)